Our Homemade Bread Recipes

We get many customers comment on how they like our Homemade bread, and ask about how they are made, then one day one suggested we put the info on our website – so here they are!

Granary Loaf

From the bread maker (we have a Kenwood BM450)

Programme 4 – Takes 2hrs38mins

750g Loaf

Water – 280ml

Vegetable Oil – 1 tablespoons

Lemon Juice (bottled is fine!) – 1 tablespoon

**Hovis Granary Bread Flour – 250g or Allisons Country Grain Bread Flour

White Bread Flour – 250g

Salt – 1 teaspoon

Light Soft Brown Sugar – 1.5 teaspoon

Easy Blend Dried Yeast – 1.5 teaspoons

Put Liquids in the bottom of the baking loaf tin – all dried ingredients on top (expect leave out the yeast-just put that on the very top)

Switch on and let the machine do it’s magic

** Other Granary brands are fine, we just like this one – for those not familiar with Granary Flour it’s made up of Wheat Flour, Granary Malted Wheat Flakes, Wheat Bran in a mix

White Loaf

Programme 1 – Takes 3hrs10mins

750g Loaf

Egg – 1 (break into a measuring jug and fill water to the 270ml mark

Strong White Bread Flour – 400g

Butter (we use unsalted) – 1 Tablespoon

Salt – 1 teaspoon

Granulated White Sugar – 2 teaspoons

Easy Blend Dried Yeast – 1.25 teaspoons

Put Liquids/butter in the bottom of the baking loaf tin – all dried ingredients on top (expect leave out the yeast-just put that on the very top)

Switch on and let the machine do it’s magic – this one smells like Apple pie when cooking!