Settle – Your Mountain Bike Destination

Whether you prefer the natural or a trail centre we have both within easy access of our guest house. You can ride straight out onto the “Settle Loop” a 10 mile circular route which takes in parts of the Pennine Bridleway and with spectacular views of Malham Tarn and the Dales. This is a great short route to wet your appetite to what our area has to offer.

As keen mountain bikers ourselves we can offer advice on what routes are best.

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Gisburn Forest was voted England’s best trail centre last year, its only 10miles away near the village of Tosside and there are trails to suite all abilities from family “green” intermediate “blue” to the more advanced “red” run with “black” expert sections. The trails are very well maintained and the majority are single track to give that “grin” factor.

After your days riding you can use our bike wash facilities, secure bike storage and if need be use our tools. With “3 Peaks Cycles” local bike shop just nearby Settle is waiting for you to come and stay.

When we are out and about we have captured some Go Pro Footage so will update this page with You Tube links of our fun out there on our bikes

August 2018 – Mastiles Lane Loop

This one below is our favourite and goes straight out our backyard;

July 2018 – Settle Loop – Clockwise for the best Techy Downhill

June 2018 – Cam High Road Ribblehead

March 2018 – Gisburn Trails in Snow!

September 2017 Long Lane and WashDubs

Thank you to the local “Settle MTB” club for the use of themselves in some of the images! Why not contact the Guest House if we/they are riding out on a Wednesday night for informal trail riding.

5 responses so far.

  1. Rose says:

    Very Informative…!

  2. kingbilly says:

    Yes it’s a great area around here for biking check out the “Settle Loop” you can google it for a map

  3. Jimmy says:

    As I am new rider and searching for some nice places to ride. So luckily got your blog; reading this post, it seems that I’m in the slide. Thanks for sharing 

  4. I think this is a good riding place where any one can ride because there are many ways to ride. such as you mentioned family “green” intermediate “blue” to the more advanced “red” run with “black” expert sections. So we can chose which path will be suitable for us.

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